Cancer types lurking Young Age

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Although not the number one cause of death, but cancer remains the most dreaded diseases. Some types of cancer often found in young patients, such as:

Breast Cancer
To detect the cancer, Dr. Sonar Panigoro, Sp.B.Onk from RSCM suggests three ways, namely breast self-examination (breast self-examination), physician examination, and mammography. Symptoms and signs of breast cancer, according to the Sonar, a lump, thickening of the skin, pain, lump in the armpit, fluid on the nipple, nipple interested, and red skin or wounds. Breast cancer treatment can be done with surgery, radiation / radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, new drugs, and supportive treatment.

Colorectal cancer
Kanker colorectal attacked colonic (bowel) and rectum (above the channel rectum). The symptoms, bleeding colon of blood marked the dirt during bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation without apparent reason and lasts for more than six weeks, pain in the abdomen or the back, sometimes palpable in the abdomen of the ridge. These cancers can be detected by colonoscopy or by blood in the stool test. Colorectal cancer treatment can be done through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and inhibits blood supply to the tumor to shrink tumors.

Cervical cancer
Symptoms, exit blood during sex, excessive vaginal discharge, foul-smelling, and does not heal.
This cancer usually occurs in women who are married. And the risk of young married women, swingers sex, sexually transmitted diseases, many of childbirth, smoking, and deficiency of vitamin A, C, and E. Detection of cervical cancer can be done with papsmear and biopsy. Cervical cancer treatment can be done through surgery, radiation, anticancer drugs and Immunotherapy.

Cancer Heart
Initially, liver cancer without any symptoms at all. In a further phase, the patient will feel pain upper right abdomen or solar plexus, abdominal swelling and liver failure. If you find it, immediately do a screening ultrasound liver and tumor markers alpha-fetoprotein. Treatment can be done with surgery, Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), ethanol injection, transchatheter arterial embolization (TAE), radiation, chemotherapy, and symptomatic.

Cancer In Children
Leukemia is a type of blood cancer is most common in children. "Symptoms face pale, listless, weak, fever is not clear why, bleeding is not clear why, bone pain, and swelling of the abdomen.


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